Privacy Policyshare

We strive to make our policies clear and concise. We also strive to collect as little information, and share it as narrowly as possible, while not sacrificing functionality or ease of development and support. Let us know if you find that something falls short of those goals.

What we collectshare

How much information we have about you depends on whether you sign up or not.

As a visitorshare

We collect server logs for all requests. This includes IP address and the URL you visited. These logs are kept for no longer than 3 months.

For users who are not logged in, we do not collect personally identifiable information (besides the aforementioned IP addresses in server logs) or cookies.

We use Plausible Analytics to gather information about website usage without personally identifiable information.

As a registered usershare

During registration, we collect your GitHub username and email. Whenever you are logged in, we use a first-party cookie to identify you.

We temporarily store the contents of your repository in order to build it. We store the contents of your builds logs for at least 3 months. We by default cache all the artifacts you build for at least 3 months; anyone with access to the hash of these artifacts can access them.

By using our website, you consent to this Privacy Policy.