
ModulesNodejsHaskellRustPostgreSQLUserHostingIntroductionBranch HostingPull-request DeploymentsSecretsPersistenceDebuggingMultiple ServersCustom DomainsExample: Typescript & GoExample: JitsiExample: RSS BridgeExample: Tiny Tiny RSSExample: SearxInstalling Nixyaml configNix FlakesWhat Garnix CI doesIncremental BuildsUsing Private InputsCachingGitHub Actions IntegrationBadgesGarn

GitHub Actions Integrationshare

garnix is not a GitHub Action because GitHub Actions cost GitHub minutes - even if the hosting is happening elsewhere! We can save you some money by creating a GitHub App instead.

There are, however a number of GitHub Actions that you may already be using, or may want to use in the future. You can still integrate with them! You can do this by using the check-suite event.

      types: [completed]


This is triggered once per non-GitHub Actions check-suite. If the only check suites you are running are garnix and GitHub Actions-based ones, this will be triggered only once, when garnix is done with all the builds for a commit.

If however you do have multiple such events triggered, you can use the event metadata to distinguish it. Get in touch with us - we can help, and maybe make this process a little smoother.